Friday, June 7, 2013

The importance of being GNU

More than a year has passed since the last article published on this blog.
Yet we haven't been idle as we kept working on the code hosted on GitHub and discussing in the mailing list.
I am now delighted and honoured to inform you that Liberty Eiffel has been officially being accepted as a GNU project and that it has been blessed as the continuation of SmartEiffel. 
Please visit our page on Savannah the facilities where most of the GNU projects hosts their development.
We also expect to release a first version of Liberty Eiffel this summer.


  1. Is this still basically SmartEiffel 2 with all its baffling decisions?

  2. Berend, which decisions do you mean? There are some we will keep, and others which are dropped. Maybe you want to look at the liberty wiki for some of them...
